Wednesday, December 19, 2012

11 Months!

Another Happy Morning

As we get ready for Christmas I can’t help but think about last year and the fact that we had never met! This has been the most amazing year, you are almost one! For most of this month you have had six teeth, three on top and three on the bottom. But they don’t line up. It is so cute! You have had one on the left top and one on the right bottom. This week the right top finally started to come in. You also finally started using your teeth. You still rather stick the whole thing in your mouth rather than bite off anything, but you at least you are chewing your food now.
Trying to get downstairs.

This month you really got your balance. You walk around just like you have always been doing it, except when you start laughing. You frequently laugh so hard that you fall on the ground! It is hilarious. You have also discovered crawling up the stairs. If we have the gate down for one minute you are headed up stairs. This is particularly dangerous because you start laughing, and for you laughing equals a loss of balance.

You recently learned how to get off the bed and couch without any help. This means you are not “trapped” on the bed any more. This morning you woke up, slid right off and ran out the door! You are also getting taller and can now grab things that you couldn’t last month. Your favorite thing to grab is an iPad! This morning your dad set mine on the shelf and then when he turned around you reached up and grabbed it! It did hit you in the face, but you didn’t seem to mind. You sat down and started touching the screen waiting for something to happen.
Happy to be out of the rain.

We met Grandpa, Abu, Maggie and Daniel at the coast a couple of weeks ago. We celebrated Abu’s 60th birthday! The weather was horrible, so we mostly just hung out.  You had a good time relaxing with your family.

Hat Hair!
This past week you came down with croup. Luckily you didn’t really act too sick, but you sounded horrible. The sound of you struggling to breath is very scary. But after lots of hot showers and going to bed early you are back to your wonderful self!

Likes: Dance parties in the living room, eating everything, chasing Frida around the house, getting face to face with me and then laughing, and laughing when I blow kissed at you through the car window.

Dislikes: taking naps, holding still while we change your diapers.

Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Months

My happy baby
Last Saturday you turned 10 months old! Every day you look more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. You have been speeding down the sides of the couches. On November 2 you finally let go of the couches and took two steps towards your daddy. I think we were so excited we scared you! We are just so amazed at everything you do. Last Sunday, after hanging out with your cousin Corbin, you just started walking. We call it the “zombie walk,” because of your arms up and out in front of you. It is so sweet. In just a week you have gotten a lot more balanced and we know there is no stopping you now.

Your 1st Halloween with
Grandma Lynne
We celebrated your fist Halloween this past month. The celebration consisted of dressing you up, taking some pictures and passing out a little bit of candy. Grandma Lynne came over and we just hung out trying to keep Frida calm as people knocked of the door.

With Grandpa wearing your 1st
pair of mittens
Two weeks ago you and I went to Portland for a little mini vacation. We got to hang out with Jill, Eddie, and baby Max on Friday and then spend the rest of the weekend with Grandpa and Abu. It was a beautiful fall weekend. We walked around a little but mostly just hung out eating delicious food. I was so proud of you for trying new foods. You loved tabouli and every other new flavor you tried.

This weekend we celebrated your 1st Thanksgiving. We were so happy to have Les, Elvia, and Corbin visiting. You and your cousin had fun playing together. It is too bad that they live so far away.
You and Daddy with Uncle Les
and Corbin
You are teething and got a little virus this week. On Thanksgiving you had a temperature of 103. Luckily it went down fairly quickly and it didn’t seem to affect you too much. There were a couple of difficult moments. It was really sad when you were crying and tossing around. You don’t have the words to express yourself, so you were just crying with such a sad look on your face. We are so happy that you are back to your smiley self. I see tooth number 5 popping in and number 6 is about here. We’re hoping that you won’t be bothered by them too much.

We love you baby boy and can’t wait for winter break so we can have a full two weeks of spending all day with you!


Likes: playing peek-a-boo, the freedom of walking, being tickled on the feet, counting to 5

Dislikes: being put down for a nap, diaper changes.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Little More about Month 9

Four teeth and covered in drool!
I forgot to mention a couple of important details of your ninth month. You finally have four teeth! The top two came in and the drool dried up for a few days. It is back, so some more teeth are probably on the way. You often stick your thumb in your mouth and feel your teeth. It is very cute.

Peeking at me from behind the couch.
Our new favorite game is when I peek out from behind the couch. I’ll say your name looking over the top, then duck down and then peer around the side. You laugh and laugh. Sometimes you fall down you are laughing so hard!  You are so sweet and make me so happy.
Getting ready to walk.

Last weekend we got you a little car that you can walk behind and push. We can’t believe that you are about to walk! My amazing boy, you are growing so fast.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 Months

Today my baby boy you are nine months old. You have grown a lot this month! You were sitting playing in the living room the other day and when I looked at you and I couldn’t believe it has only been nine months since you were born, you looked like a toddler not my baby. You are getting so tall that you can reach up and grab toys, books, and papers, all of which you promptly put in your mouth.

This month you have really started eating solid food. Beans continue to be your favorite food, of course! But so far you haven’t turned away any food that we've offered you. This week you actually used a spoon by yourself.

The last weekend in September you and I went to Eugene for your cousin’s birthday. You loved getting to play with James and well as hang out with your grandpa and abu. We stopped in Portland to eat lunch with Jill, Eddie, and sweet little Max. I thought that a two hour break would help you make it home happy. I was wrong. You fell asleep just outside Portland and made it until Olympia. That seems to be your limit. When we got home your daddy came out to get you, I grabbed my bags and then came in. Inside you were laughing and swinging your shirt around, happy to be out of the car and playing with Dad.

For some reason this month you have decided that you don’t really like taking naps. What this means is you are frequently tired when I pick you up in the afternoon. You frequently fall asleep in the car, so I will drive home slowly weaving through the neighborhood letting you sleep. On Friday I stayed home with you. We slept in until 7:30, which was very nice, but you only slept 45 minutes that whole day. Luckily it didn’t seem to bother you until 8 at night. This is just another example of how you are such a good happy baby.

When you get excited you grab one of your left fingers with your right hand and shake your arms up and down. It is so adorable!
Likes: eating everything, peeking in and around chairs, dancing, being tickled, splashing in Frida’s water dish

Dislikes: Having your nose wiped, being woken up (same as last month), long car rides
Waking up the last week of September ~ Happy

Waking up mid October ~ Still happy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

8 Months

Last Monday you turned 8 months old. Another month has flown by. This month I had to go back to work. It was a challenge finding the right place for you to go during the day, but after some stress, and a couple of tears (from me) we did it. You have a wonderful daycare close to the house. I think the transition was more difficult for me than for you. After spending everyday with you for the first 7 and a half months of your life, if was hard to leave you with someone else. You didn’t seem to have much trouble adjusting. You love playing with the older kids and are usually excited when you arrive in the mornings. They love you too. Rebecca says you are one of the happiest babies she has ever known!

Since school has started the whole family is adjusting and figuring out our new routine. It has been a little challenging at times, but I think we are getting it. We get up around 5 am, Daddy usually takes you to daycare in the morning and I get to pick you up in the afternoon. We hang out in the evening and then you go to bed between 6:30 and 8:30. We’re working on getting more consistent with a bed time.

You are getting taller and seem to be losing a tiny bit of your chub. You love to crawl over, on and under everything! You had your first big fall this month. Well actually you didn’t fall very far, but you had a big bruise. Unfortunately I think you are going to bruise like me. You were sitting down at daycare and were turning to watch another kid when you leaned and just fell. Luckily you didn’t cry too much and the bruise didn’t last very long.

You have started eating solid food. I think beans are your favorite, but I could have guessed that! You often make faces when you taste a new food, but then you reach for more. You are getting better at feeding yourself but are working on picking things up with your fingers.

You still only have two teeth. The top two are bothering you, but they are still below the surface. Some days it looks like you have two blisters in your mouth. I hope they come in soon because they are making you cranky! But even a little grumpiness can’t change the fact that you are still the sweetest little baby with the best smile.


Likes: Crawling between the couches and under the chairs and tables, singing songs, watching Mommy and Daddy dance around the living room, dumping the laundry basket

Dislikes: Having your nose wiped, being woken up

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Seven Months

1st time riding in a cart.
Rowan, every month you become more and more amazing. There were a lot of developments this month! The last week of June you were in the living room talking to Grandma Lynne and I came in to see you just sitting there. I was so surprised! There was no stopping you after that. You stared crawling across the room stopping to sit up and make sure we were watching. If you see something across the room that you want, either me or a dirty shoe, you squeal and then crawl as fast as you can until you get there. The next week I was watching you crawl and you went right up to the couch and pulled yourself up! I couldn’t believe it. The problem then became getting down. For two weeks you would pull yourself up on something and then wine until someone helped you down. Well this week you learned how to sit back down after standing up. For a day you would stand up then sit down over and over.

1st time brushing your teeth!

The other big development is you now have two teeth! As they were coming in we had a couple of cranky evening. You also started waking up during the night again. Hopefully we can get back in to a sleeping routine before the next tooth decides to come in. You seemed interested in my brushing my teeth so we started brushing yours. Of course you think it is funny!

Last week we took the train to Eugene. I’ll admit that I was nervous traveling alone with you, but I shouldn’t have been. You did great. The train wasn’t too full so you got your own seat. You woke up around Albany and weren’t too happy. Luckily the guy sitting in front of us was happy to talk to you smiled all the way to Eugene. We got to spend the week with Grandpa and Abu.  You also got to spend quite a bit of time with James. You could play soo much more with him this time than you could just three weeks earlier. He was happy about that!

Last weekend we headed to the coast for the Mejía family reunion.  You enjoyed meeting so many family members and playing with your cousins. It was so nice getting to relax, play games, laugh, and enjoy family time. Everyone thought you were adorable!

You are still not too interested in eating solid food. You still think everything is funny, and have the best laugh! Your daddy and I love to make up silly songs to entertain you.

Likes: Chasing Frida around the living room, being tickled, besitos, standing up, brushing your teeth, eating books

Dislikes: Being alone, long car rides, me not letting you stand in the bathtub

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Half Birthday!

My sweet little boy you are 6 month old today. Wow! It seems like yesterday I was filled with anticipation waiting to meet you. Yet at the same time it feels like you have been a part of our family for a long time.

 You continue to grow like crazy! We have to get you a new car seat already. You are about to grow out of your baby seat. This month your hair grew back. You have soft fuzzy hair. We are a little confused about the red tint you have to your hair, but I looks like it is going to be thick. You are still scooting around and can now military crawl. If we take our eyes off you for a second you are chewing on a shoe or headed towards a computer cord. Just in the past few days you have started getting up on you knees. You rock a little then get down on the floor to move.

The cutest passport photo ever!

This month you became an international traveler! I had a conference in Vancouver BC and you and your daddy got to come with me. You two got to explore the city during the day and we got to hang out in the evening. You went on a suspension bridge, a walk in the woods, and to a few museums, including a Matisse exibit. Too bad you are not eating solid foods because we had some delicious meals!

Cousins sharing a bath.

This week your dad is at a conference and we are hanging out in Eugene. So far we have gone for a couple of walks and tired some new places to eat. We are spending a lot of time with family. You and your cousin James are getting along well and James can’t wait for you to get a little older so you can play with him.

You have also started sleeping through the night. One morning about two weeks ago I wondered if I had fed you in the middle of the night. I thought that I must have but I was so tired I just didn’t remember. But the next morning I knew that I hadn’t fed you during the night. You have started going to bed a little later, but it seems to be working. You are now sleeping 10 pm to 5 am. I feed you at 5 and sometimes you go back to sleep. If we get up you usually take a morning nap around 7:30. Now if I would start going to sleep at 10 we would be in good shape!

1st taste of avacado
This week you started moving your mouth like you are chewing. I’m not sure if you want to chew or want to talk. Since you are six months we decided to try solid foods. So far you have tried avocados and mangos. I think you accidently swallowed a piece of avocado. The mango you enjoyed more, but it still ended up on you shirt!

One night you were not sleeping well. I tried rubbing you back to help you go back to sleep. Unfortunately you are so ticklish that you started laughing and really woke up. Your dad and I make up silly songs for you and you give a huge toothless smile and laugh. When I gently poke your side you squeal. You make Daddy and me so happy. We love you little boy and are excited to see how you grow and change this month.

The Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge
Waiting in line at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Walking in the Japanese Garden

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Five Months

To my sweet baby boy:

Smiling with Abu
It has been another busy month. Two of the major events this month were us moving into our new house and me going back to work. Our house is amazing, and thinking about how you will grow up here makes me so happy! I had to return to work for the end of the school year two days after we moved. It was difficult leaving you every morning, but you had a wonderful time with Abu. You didn't take as many long naps like you usually do, but you did pretty well. Your Daddy and I are so grateful to my mom for staying with us for 2.5 weeks to take care of you. Grandpa Jay got to come up for a few days also. You had a lot of fun reading, singing songs and dancing with your grandparents. You are one lucky boy!
Dancing with Grandpa
We did have a few difficulties to deal with this month. You got a urinary tract infection. You did not sleep well for a few days and one night screamed for over an hour. This was difficult for us because there was nothing we could do. But once you started the antibiotics you felt better. The doctors were concerned that the fluid on your kidney and this infection were related so you had to have a VCUG. This test was uncomfortable for you and unbearable for me. Luckily I had my mom with me for support. The nurse tied you to a blank (using Velcro) with your hands above your head. I held your little hands as you cried. Even thinking about it now is making my heart race. They gave you dye through a catheter and took x-rays to see what was going on in there. Thankfully the next day we were told that you do not have reflux and that the fluid in you kidney is just how you were born, it is not urine. This was great news. I was told once again that your kidney would heal as you grow. Until then you will have ultrasounds every six months to make sure there are no other issues.
Upset because you are going backwards
You desperately want to crawl and are frequently frustrated because you are not moving in the direction you want. You can roll, scoot backwards, and rotate well. But so far when you try to crawl your butt gets in the air and your face is on the carpet! We have to keep a close eye on you. Yesterday I left you alone for about 20 seconds and when I came back inside you were creaming because you had rolled across the living room and hit your head on the leg of a chair.

Grandpa brought you a jumper and you are loving it! You jump up a few times then look at us and smile. It is very sweet. Your rocking chair is still your favorite place to relax. Because of all of the changes  your routine is a little off, but you still love taking naps in your chair.

Napping in your favorite chair
This month you discovered your feet! You grab them and stare at your toes. You even suck on them! When I kiss your feet you laugh. Your laugh is the BEST sound in the whole world, and have to laugh too when you are so happy. You know how to blow bubbles and stick out your tongue. You get the biggest smile when you see your daddy or mommy. You love watching Frida walk around the room, but her bark startles you. We have some pear trees our side our living room window, you like watching their leaves blowing in the wind, especially when you are tired. I can’t feel any teeth, but you like chewing on everything! You chew on your hands, toes, blankets, clothes and anything else you can get into your mouth. You have even tried to get my toes!

We celebrated Father’s Day on your 5 month birthday. Your mom and Abu made dinner for your dad, Grandpa Jay and Uncle Rick. We had nice relaxing day at home. You bought got you dad a subscription to Atomic Ranch magazine. He is very happy.

Rowan, you are an amazing little boy and I love you so much!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Baby is 4 Months Old!

Wide awake at 5 am!
This has been a great month! I can make Rowan laugh, he can roll over and continues to smile more and more each day.  He officially is a thumb sucker! But he refuses to let me get a good picutre of it. Rowan has started going to the day care at LA Fitness. This as a big step for both of us! I try to take him when he is sleeping so I don’t miss spending time with him. When I go to get him he is sleeping or smiling at the ladies taking care of him, so maybe it is a bigger deal for me than for him!

Relaxing in the tub
Rowan has decided that he likes taking baths. He kicks and kicks splashing water all over then he looks up at me smiling. Last month he discovered his hands, this month he discovered mine. He will hold my fingers staring at my hands mesmerized. He has also started playing with a few toys. He reaches for them and then shoves them in his mouth. He does that with just about anything in front of him, hands burp cloths whatever he can get. Rowan still wakes up happy every morning. Unfortunately he has started waking up at 5 with a smile on his face. Chris is enjoying this because they get to spend a little time together before he goes to work. I usually talk to him for about 45 to 90 minutes until he goes back to sleep.  The other day I decided to ignore him to see if he would go back to sleep faster. I put my back to him and waited. A few minutes later he started pulling my hair and kicking me. I guess I need to find a better way to get him back to sleep.

Happy Mother's Day

This month we celebrated my first Mother’s Day. Rowan and his dad made me some beautiful art.  I love my sweet boys so much. We spent a nice day together and went out to a delicious lunch with Grandma Lynne and Gary.

This little boy still loves sleeping, and for the first three months of his life he took naps with ease. That has changed. Now instead of just going to sleep when he is tired he starts to cry/whine about it. I now have to walk him around, rock him with a binky or put him in his rocking chair. Once he is asleep he is out and takes nice long naps.

On May 24th at Rowan’s four month checkup he weighed 17 pounds 10 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. What a big guy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Three Months!

It has been another great month for La Familia Jordan.  Rowan continues to be a happy little guy bringing joy to every moment of my day.  This month brought a big change in our lives. While I was in Oregon last month we got on offer on our house. After 11 months on the market we finally sold it! We made plans to move into the basement apartment of our dear friends Katie and Jonathan. We are so grateful for a nice place to live while we await our new house. It is also fun being so close to the Grove family. The most exciting part of the moth was when Chris called me as I was setting up for my friend’s birthday party to tell me he found our house. I went down to the house and knew it was what we had been looking for. The stress of having to make an offer immediately was a bit much for me, but I got over it and we were one of four offers that came in that weekend.  We got the house and hope to move in by the end of May.

Rowan has been busy this month. He discovered his hands, and holds them up and stares at them. This week Rowan started sucking his thumb. He often has his thumb and first finger in his mouth. Chris keeps trying to get him to stop, but Rowan spits out the binky and puts his fingers back in his mouth. He is “talking” more and more each day. It is taking him quite awhile to eat because he keeps stopping to tell me stories. Rowan, Frida, and I are enjoying the spring weather, going for lots of walks in the sun and a few in the rain. When we are walking Rowan looks around with wide eyes. I love watching him discover the world. We also have been spending time reading and dancing around the apartment.

One of my favorite things Rowan started doing this month is laughing every time his hands are covered when I change his clothes or put him in a jacket. It is really funny. I also love that he will be getting cranky and as soon as I start walking towards him he’ll get a smile on his face. I love him so much!

Rowan sucking his fingers                                   Chris reading to Rowan

One of my favorites

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Months Old

The past two months have been amazing! My little boy is growing and changing so much. Rowan is getting little chubby cheeks and I can’t wait to see how much he weighs next week at his doctor’s appointment. He can hold his head up for quite awhile and loves to kick and wave his arms around, especially in the morning. One of the most exciting changes is that Rowan learned how to smile. He is so sweet and my heart feels like it is going to explode when he smiles at me.

Two months old and in his first pair of jeans.

 Rowan and I have been busy the past month. Although we are not on a schedule we have established a routine that we both seem happy with. We have been lucky to have spent quite a bit of time Katie and baby Asa. I enjoy and appreciate support from Katie as I figure out how to be a mother.  Asa is exactly one month older than Rowan. They don’t know it yet, but they will be the best of friends. It has been fun sharing this special time together.  Grandma Lynne comes to visit almost every week. Rowan enjoys being held while Mom and Dad get a chance to do chores, go out to dinner or just relax a little.
Two weeks ago Chris had to go to Tampa for work. Rowan and I took this opportunity to go to Oregon and visit family. It was wonderful getting to spend so much time with my parents and watch them snuggle Rowan. One night Grandpa took Rowan and let me go to bed. This was a gift. I was able to sleep soundly knowing that I Rowan was being cared for. Meeting many of his cousins was one of Rowan’s favorite parts of the trips. They were all so interested in him and James was only a little jealous. While in Eugene Shawna, Aunt Alicia and my parents gave Rowan and me a wonderful luau themed party.  We were surprised and happy to see so many family members gathered to celebrate my growing family. Chris was greatly missed, but we still had a fantastic time.  My family if wonderful! Rowan and I are lucky to be loved so much.

One of my favorite parts of the day is when Rowan wakes up.  In the morning we lay in bed laughing, stretching and talking for 20 minutes before we get up. I feel so lucky to have such a happy baby.  Another wonderful part of the day is when Chris gets home from work. I love watching Rowan snuggle with his daddy, they are both so happy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rowan’s Birth Story

On Monday January 16 I had an appointment with my midwife. She said that I was three centimeters dilated and was sure I would have a baby before my due date January 25. I was certain that I had about a week left of being pregnant.  I went to bed prepared to go to work the next day, but hoping for a snow day!
At 1:30 in the morning I was startled awake. I laid there not moving for a moment and I came to the realization that my water had just broke.  I called my midwife. At the time I was not feeling any contractions. She told me that I had plenty of time, and I should try and go back to sleep. I went back to bed but knew I would not be able to get back to sleep. As soon as I got back in bed I started having contractions. From the beginning they were one to three minutes apart. When they started my contractions were not hurting. So I stayed in bed and Chris kept track of the contractions. After about an hour they were beginning to hurt and we decided to go to the hospital.
At the hospital I had a contractions right as I walked in the door. I couldn’t walk and they brought me a wheelchair.  We checked in and had to wait in the lobby of the emergency room for a nurse to come get us. By then I was in pain, and I woke the two guys sleeping in the waiting room. After a very long ten minutes we went up stairs.  When they did my initial examination I was 4+ centimeters dilated.
I have no concept of time of that morning, but Chris says that I was in bed having contractions for about 45 minutes, maybe a little longer. I was in quite a bit of pain. When I had a contraction I would curl and grab the hand rail on the side of the bed.  There were several times that Chris was worried I would roll off the bed. The nurse said she wanted to examine me again. She told me I was 8 centimeters!
We moved to a delivery room and they tried again to get a hold of my midwife. By this time the snow had started and she was having trouble getting to the hospital.  The on call doctor came in and told me it was time to push. This was the only time where I felt emotionally uncomfortable.   I did not know her and things were not going according to my plan. She looked at the nurse and said “she’ll be pushing for awhile,” and took off her gloves. As she did my midwife walked in!
I then got in the birthing tub and was able to relax for a bit. It was then time to push. I think that I pushed for about 30 minutes, but I’m not really sure. I remember right before Rowan was born, but his actual moment of birth is kid of a blur. I was pushing and then he was on my chest!  I looked down and saw the most beautiful baby. It was love at first sight.  Chris got to lift up the warm blanket that they had placed on us and announced that we had a little boy. The joy I felt in my heart and the closeness to Chris is indescribable. 
Rowan James born at 6:43 am on Tuesday January 17, weighting 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He is perfect!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I’m a Mom!

Rowan is one month old! He has already gained at least two pounds and he doesn’t look like a new born any more.  He is an amazing little boy. He only wakes twice a night and often sleeps in until 10. So nice to have a baby that likes sleep like I do. 
At the hospital we had visits from all of Rowan’s grandparent, Katie, Jonathan, Silas and baby Asa, but because he was born right at the beginning of snow storm, some visitors were kept away.  The snow continued and we were a little concerned about getting home. Luckily we could drive on only three main streets to get home, and we made it easily.  Once we got home we were snowed in for a couple of days. It was fabulous! My parents were here they got to spend five days snuggling Rowan and making food for us.  We spend the first week of Rowans life hanging out staring at him, marveling at his beauty.  Chris and I spend the next week with Rowan getting to know him and enjoying being a family of three. I cannot believe that a few weeks before Rowan was born I was thinking about how it had been just me and Chris for almost twelve years, and I was a little nervous about how things were about to change.  Things did change, but only for the better.  Now my family is even more perfect than it was before.
Chris is an amazing father. I love watching him play, read and talk with Rowan.  Every morning before Chris gets up he holds Rowan and they snuggle as they both slowly wake up. Then he changes Rowan’s diaper and gives him to me to feed before he goes to work.
Rowan and I spend most of our time eating and sleeping. We have been using the Moby and going for short walks.  Our big outing the other day was a trip to the bank, three blocks away. He loves being wrapped up and usually sleeps while we are walking around. 
We have over 300 pictures of Rowan already and Chris and I can often be heard saying “look at our baby.” We are continually entertained by the many faces that he makes, how he sleeps with his arms around his head/face, and just about every other thing he does. The last month as been amazing, we are happy!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting Excited!

At 37 ½ weeks pregnant I know that the baby will be here very soon. I just hope not too soon. Although I am so excited to meet my baby I could use every one of the next 2.5 weeks finish getting ready!  With work and all of my doctor appointments I am feeling extremely busy. I still have a couple of work projects that I need to get done before I leave my students.
This weekend my friends gave me the best baby shower!  “Babies del Mundo” was the perfect theme and I had a wonderful time! I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. My baby is already loved and a little spoiled.
I did have my last appointment with the specialist this past week. My baby still has a little fluid on the left kidney. He said they only worry about it if the fluid is 1 cm or larger. I saw a 1.14 spot on my baby. He said that there is still hope that the fluid will go away on its own. If not the pediatrician will decide our next move.
Two weeks ago my mom said that my baby had dropped. I told her to stop talking like that. The next day I saw my midwife and she said the same thing. But she said that I didn’t have to worry, it just means that the baby is getting ready to be born. It doesn’t mean that the baby will come soon.  Right now, I’m still enjoying watching my stomach dance imagining what my baby will look like!