Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Little More about Month 9

Four teeth and covered in drool!
I forgot to mention a couple of important details of your ninth month. You finally have four teeth! The top two came in and the drool dried up for a few days. It is back, so some more teeth are probably on the way. You often stick your thumb in your mouth and feel your teeth. It is very cute.

Peeking at me from behind the couch.
Our new favorite game is when I peek out from behind the couch. I’ll say your name looking over the top, then duck down and then peer around the side. You laugh and laugh. Sometimes you fall down you are laughing so hard!  You are so sweet and make me so happy.
Getting ready to walk.

Last weekend we got you a little car that you can walk behind and push. We can’t believe that you are about to walk! My amazing boy, you are growing so fast.

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