Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Baby is 4 Months Old!

Wide awake at 5 am!
This has been a great month! I can make Rowan laugh, he can roll over and continues to smile more and more each day.  He officially is a thumb sucker! But he refuses to let me get a good picutre of it. Rowan has started going to the day care at LA Fitness. This as a big step for both of us! I try to take him when he is sleeping so I don’t miss spending time with him. When I go to get him he is sleeping or smiling at the ladies taking care of him, so maybe it is a bigger deal for me than for him!

Relaxing in the tub
Rowan has decided that he likes taking baths. He kicks and kicks splashing water all over then he looks up at me smiling. Last month he discovered his hands, this month he discovered mine. He will hold my fingers staring at my hands mesmerized. He has also started playing with a few toys. He reaches for them and then shoves them in his mouth. He does that with just about anything in front of him, hands burp cloths whatever he can get. Rowan still wakes up happy every morning. Unfortunately he has started waking up at 5 with a smile on his face. Chris is enjoying this because they get to spend a little time together before he goes to work. I usually talk to him for about 45 to 90 minutes until he goes back to sleep.  The other day I decided to ignore him to see if he would go back to sleep faster. I put my back to him and waited. A few minutes later he started pulling my hair and kicking me. I guess I need to find a better way to get him back to sleep.

Happy Mother's Day

This month we celebrated my first Mother’s Day. Rowan and his dad made me some beautiful art.  I love my sweet boys so much. We spent a nice day together and went out to a delicious lunch with Grandma Lynne and Gary.

This little boy still loves sleeping, and for the first three months of his life he took naps with ease. That has changed. Now instead of just going to sleep when he is tired he starts to cry/whine about it. I now have to walk him around, rock him with a binky or put him in his rocking chair. Once he is asleep he is out and takes nice long naps.

On May 24th at Rowan’s four month checkup he weighed 17 pounds 10 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. What a big guy!

1 comment:

  1. I love the 5am wake-up smile pic! You are right, he is a big guy......I went back and Asa's 4 months was 16lb 14oz, so Rowan is still his "big" "little" "brother"! :) haha
