Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Half Birthday!

My sweet little boy you are 6 month old today. Wow! It seems like yesterday I was filled with anticipation waiting to meet you. Yet at the same time it feels like you have been a part of our family for a long time.

 You continue to grow like crazy! We have to get you a new car seat already. You are about to grow out of your baby seat. This month your hair grew back. You have soft fuzzy hair. We are a little confused about the red tint you have to your hair, but I looks like it is going to be thick. You are still scooting around and can now military crawl. If we take our eyes off you for a second you are chewing on a shoe or headed towards a computer cord. Just in the past few days you have started getting up on you knees. You rock a little then get down on the floor to move.

The cutest passport photo ever!

This month you became an international traveler! I had a conference in Vancouver BC and you and your daddy got to come with me. You two got to explore the city during the day and we got to hang out in the evening. You went on a suspension bridge, a walk in the woods, and to a few museums, including a Matisse exibit. Too bad you are not eating solid foods because we had some delicious meals!

Cousins sharing a bath.

This week your dad is at a conference and we are hanging out in Eugene. So far we have gone for a couple of walks and tired some new places to eat. We are spending a lot of time with family. You and your cousin James are getting along well and James can’t wait for you to get a little older so you can play with him.

You have also started sleeping through the night. One morning about two weeks ago I wondered if I had fed you in the middle of the night. I thought that I must have but I was so tired I just didn’t remember. But the next morning I knew that I hadn’t fed you during the night. You have started going to bed a little later, but it seems to be working. You are now sleeping 10 pm to 5 am. I feed you at 5 and sometimes you go back to sleep. If we get up you usually take a morning nap around 7:30. Now if I would start going to sleep at 10 we would be in good shape!

1st taste of avacado
This week you started moving your mouth like you are chewing. I’m not sure if you want to chew or want to talk. Since you are six months we decided to try solid foods. So far you have tried avocados and mangos. I think you accidently swallowed a piece of avocado. The mango you enjoyed more, but it still ended up on you shirt!

One night you were not sleeping well. I tried rubbing you back to help you go back to sleep. Unfortunately you are so ticklish that you started laughing and really woke up. Your dad and I make up silly songs for you and you give a huge toothless smile and laugh. When I gently poke your side you squeal. You make Daddy and me so happy. We love you little boy and are excited to see how you grow and change this month.

The Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge
Waiting in line at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Walking in the Japanese Garden

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