Sunday, May 4, 2014

24 Months

Enjoying the lights as Shore Acres.
I can’t believe my little boy is two! We went to Eugene and Coos Bay for Christmas. We all had a wonderful time with the family. Again you loved being with your cousins. You don’t believe that you are still one and think you can do anything that the older kids do. I love seeing you with your cousins! We ate lots of good food, including some amazing tamales your Abú made.  It was also wonderful for me to have so many people to play and take care of you. I have been feeling nauseous all day and after getting sick every day you now mock me with your fake puke sounds!
We had a little snow right be for my winter vacation. You were not impressed. I shouldn’t be surprised, you hate being cold.
The big thing that happened this month to you was a hair cut! I loved you long locks, but you were staring to be bothered by the hair in your face. Plus you didn’t like me brushing your hair. It’s hard to have long beautiful hair, if you don’t brush it. It was a traumatic experience for both of us. I would have cried, but you were screaming the whole time, so I had to keep it together!
Likes: Puzzles, family
Dislikes: Not getting what you want immediately! Snow

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