Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Two and a Half

New Life Photography

Well in a few days my little boy you will be two and a half years old! Over the last 6 months I have started several blog posts about you and what you have been doing, but it has been difficult for me to complete anything! Of course you have been amazing and surprise me all the time with your funny sayings and crazy personality. Here is my summary of the last 6 months.

 February 2014

Early in the month we had some snow. This time you loved it! Maybe it was because your daddy was here to help you build a snowman. We went for a nice walk in the snow. You really liked eating the snow. I was laughing the whole time we were outside.

March 2014

You have started working in the yard and garden. You love finding worms! You take them from one side of the yard to the other. We are trying to get you to take them to the garden.

You have also started to ride your bike. We got you a bike for your birthday, but I think you were a little scared of it until recently. You just ride around the patio, but you are having fun and getting good at balancing.

April 2014

We attended cousin Nate and Sarah’s wedding this month. The wedding was nice, and the food was delicious. We got to dance a little and hang out with family. I love weddings and wish that we could have danced a little longer! It was also nice to have family stay at our house. We wish people visited us more often.


For Easter Abú and Grandpa got you a rake, shovel and hoe for you to help in the yard and garden. Then your Grandma Lynne brought you some smaller yard tools, and a wheelbarrow. You love being in the garden and are becoming quite the weed puller. You say “weeds are bad, plants are good.”


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Abú and Grandpa stayed for a week after the wedding. You love spending time with them, and I love seeing you so happy. The wedding weekend was the bringing of my spring break, so we go to have a couple of adventures. The most fun we had was a Northwest Trek . You loved all of the different animals. It is so fun seeing you excited about everything! It is inspiring and I continue to be excited about life.


The weather has been so nice lately that we have been stopping to play outside on our way home. We love the water, so we frequently go to Point Defiance. You are happy looking at the water from the 5 Mile Drive, but sometimes we go down to the beach.

May 2014

You are such an amazing little boy. The things you are starting to say are hilarious and wonderful. Yesterday your daddy brought your milk to the table, like you had asked him to and you look up and said “Thank you sir.” You want to be just like your daddy. You follow him around doing everything he does.

Every day you are saying more and more and talking in little sentences. I am amazed at how much you know. The other day while I was changing my sheets you asked if you could help change the bedding. It was so cute! And by help you meant hide in the sheets. I try and make it a productive game, but most of the time you are just rolling around laughing in the sheets. You are starting to pull the corners up on the blankets. After doing that you looked up at me and said “I a good helper momma!” Soooooo adorable!

Eating "Pencils"
At daycare you have been becoming a little jealous of some of the new babies there. I hope you get your jealousy out and are ready when our new baby comes. You love babies, and you will kiss my belly and talk to the baby, but you do not want to feel it move. You felt the baby kick you awhile ago and it kind of freaked you out. I don’t blame you, it kind of freaked me out the first time I felt you!


Likes: singing, reading, digging in the dirt, running, the farmers market

June 2014

At the beginning of the month your abú came up for my baby shower and decided to stay for an extra week. You had so much fun playing with her every day. You went on walks, played in the park and cooked a lot! You were so proud of yourself the day you helped make a cake. You came running up to me as soon and I opened the door and told me that you hid a cake in the basement. You get so excited about lots of things. It is so funny because you can’t even say what you want because it is too exciting!

Resting after your haircut

Since I am taking a year leave from work, I had to pack up my classroom and office. It was an added stress to the end of the school year. Daycare had an emergency one of the last days of school and you had to come to work with me. You pretended you were shy for a few minutes, but you loved all the attention. You especially loved hanging out with Jamie. She let you feed her fish, and look at stick bugs!

Fun in the bath
Helping Dad build a patio.

I’m still concerned about how you are going to act when the baby comes. At daycare the other day you asked Ms. Becca for some “Momma Milk.” She told you that you don’t get that at day care anymore and you told her to seal it from another baby! You have also been really snuggly and often want me to holdyou like a baby. I hope this transition is not too difficult for you.

Reading with Grandma
Happy Father's Day!

Excited about our adventure on the city bus
The last weekend in June your abú came to stay with us again because Daddy had to go on a trip for 4 day. She is staying until the baby is here. We are soooooooooooooo lucky she has come to take care of us. Not only does she play games, sing songs, and do puzzles, she also makes us delicious dinners and does laundry! I have been so tired lately I don’t know what we would have done without her.
While Daddy was gone you slept with me. We had some special snuggle moments in the morning. I feel very lucky to have had some special alone time with you before the baby comes. You use to try and touch my whole face and neck at night, I really didn’t like it, so now you to just touch my cheeks. So often when you go to sleep you put both your hands on my cheeks and we snuggle until you go to sleep. It is so sweet!
Too loud on the 4th
We had a fun low key 4th of July this year. Not as many people were able to come, this turned out to be a good thing for me. You went down to the Freedom Fair with your grandma, and then came home and took a really long nap. I think that you might have gotten a little too much sun, because you weren’t feeling like your normal self the rest of the day. But we had fun watching the fireworks. You had to have headphones on, because everything is too loud right now. You got mad at me the other morning because I was grinding coffee loudly and because the click of lighting the stove was also too loud!
Last days as a family of three!
I think you know big changes are about to happen. When you are not hitting me you are the sweetest boy ever! You give my belly snuggles and talk to the baby. You have starting saying “Hey guys” when you want our attention. You say things like “Hey guys, hey guys. There is a guy with no shirt on!”  You really don’t like it if someone is walking by our house without a shirt. You are loving hiding. Your favorite hiding place is under a blanket. Recently you have started having me hide with you. You sit on my lap and then pull a blanket over our heads and then wait for someone to say they can’t find us.  It is hot, but you don’t care you want to do it a million times.
They have been working on the sidewalks and intersection in front of our house the last two weeks. You are loving it! You were so excited that a tractor was parked in front of our house for a few days. All of the workers are extremely nice to you. They wave and yell “Go Hawks!” when you are wearing your Seahawks shirt. Who knew that watching a dump truck pull up in front of our house could be so exciting!
Your baby will be here in a couple of days. I hope we are ready for this! I think it will be a little difficult for you transition from being an only child. But I know you are going to be an amazing big brother!
Likes: Construction vehicles, running and jumping
Dislikes: naps

Making spinach enchiladas

Enjoying the heat.

Just a normal day hangin' out


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy Birthday My Two Year Old!

We had a wonderful birthday party celebrating your second year of life! It was much smaller than last year, but had lots of fun with friends and family! Abú made you a sailboat cake and matching cupcakes. You were not too about the piñata, but you liked the treats! One of your favorite things form the piñata is a pair of heart shaped sunglasses!

24 Months

Enjoying the lights as Shore Acres.
I can’t believe my little boy is two! We went to Eugene and Coos Bay for Christmas. We all had a wonderful time with the family. Again you loved being with your cousins. You don’t believe that you are still one and think you can do anything that the older kids do. I love seeing you with your cousins! We ate lots of good food, including some amazing tamales your Abú made.  It was also wonderful for me to have so many people to play and take care of you. I have been feeling nauseous all day and after getting sick every day you now mock me with your fake puke sounds!
We had a little snow right be for my winter vacation. You were not impressed. I shouldn’t be surprised, you hate being cold.
The big thing that happened this month to you was a hair cut! I loved you long locks, but you were staring to be bothered by the hair in your face. Plus you didn’t like me brushing your hair. It’s hard to have long beautiful hair, if you don’t brush it. It was a traumatic experience for both of us. I would have cried, but you were screaming the whole time, so I had to keep it together!
Likes: Puzzles, family
Dislikes: Not getting what you want immediately! Snow

23 Months

You can put on your pants by youself!

Playing in the back yard.
This month we traveled to Texas for Thanksgiving. It was good to see family, but it was a long trip for just a few days. We all had a hard time getting back to our normal schedule. In Texas you had so much fun with your cousins Corbin and Caia. You were sweet giving Caia snuggles, and you loved wrestling and chasing Corbin around. It’s too bad they live so far away and you don’t get to play with them more.


The next weekend we went to Sea Side to celebrate Abú’s birthday. Again you were so happy to be with your cousins. You and James had so much fun flying paper airplanes with Grandpa. You also enjoyed some time on the beach, but it was too cold for me, so Grandpa and Abú took you out.

Early November we found out you were going to be a big brother! We go you a Big Bro shirt and made you wear it to tell family. You don’t understand what that means right now, but your dad and I are so happy!

Last month Frida got bone cancer in her ribs. It was a very aggressive cancer and we had to put her down on Friday December 13. It was horrible! One of the worst parts has been you asking where Frida is every morning! We were all use to her sleeping at our feet and them coming up to say good morning once we started to wake up. It is not fun to start the day feeling sad.

Likes: Playing with Cousins, cooking breakfast with Daddy on the weekends.

A couple of days before Frida died.

Monday, March 10, 2014

22 Months

I honestly did write this several months ago!

We are getting closer and closer to your second birthday! I can’t believe how big you are getting. This month was full of laughter, tears, and tons of talking! I thought that once you started talking more there would be less frustration between us. Well, I was wrong! You seem to be more frustrated.  Now that you can tell us what you want, you think we should give it to you now! Yesterday you laid down in the middle of Nordstrom’s because I wouldn’t let you go up and down the escalator. You are able to turn the tears on and off! I’m not worried because people still say your are the happiest boy that they know.
This month we celebrated Halloween. You were a pizza at day care and a dragon in the evening. You refused to put on the hood, but you were still sooooo cute! Your grandma, grandpa and Mimi came over to go trick-or-treating with us. You were most excited when the houses had dogs. After four houses you wanted me to pick you up, so we headed home.
Making Pizza with Abu
Two weeks before Halloween Abu and Grandpa came up and we went to the pumpkin patch. You had fun running around the pumpkins and trying to push the wheelbarrow. You also liked playing in the pumpkin slime as your dad carved a pumpkin.
Again this month you were saying something new almost every day. Yesterday I picked you up and you started pointing at my face saying “eyes,” “nose,” and then you said “ear.” It is the cutest thing ever! Well I thought that until today when you said “besos.”
The big news of the month is that you have started sleeping though the night! Well you have a few nights anyway. I am so excited that you are growing up and can sleep all night in your own room, but I can’t help being a little sad. You must have sensed it, because twice you have climbed on my chest and laid on me like you did when you were a baby. But now your legs are past my knees!
I’ve still been trying to spend some time outside with you. On the weekend we have been walking to the park. You love looking at all of the animals. Last weekend the ducks were walking around in the grass and not in the pond, you were amazed by that.
I forgot to say that you got some teeth last month. I think that you are done for a while.
Likes: all animal, being outside
Dislikes: Not getting what you want!