Wednesday, January 23, 2013

One Year!

My 1st Christmas

My sweet little boy, it is so hard to believe that one year ago you were born! This has been the most amazing year my little boy. This month your personality has been such a joy. You are so sweet and still very happy.  You are starting to have conversations with us. We don’t know what you are saying yet, but you definitely have something to say! We had such a good time relaxing with family over the holiday break. We got to sleep in and snuggle in the morning. We also went on several walks in sunny cold weather. I thought that you would fall asleep on our walks, but you are usually too busy looking at everything to sleep.

We spent Christmas in Eugene and North Bend. I love seeing you interact with our family. All of the kids, especially James, are so sweet with you! I wish we got to see them more often.

Unfortunately you are not happy when you wake up anymore. You always used to wake up with a smile. Now, pretty much every time you wake up you are crying. It is very sad, and I hope you get out of this stage quickly.

Getting ready to read
You are starting to talk more. The other day you sat down with a book and read it out loud to me. It was so sweet. When we are driving home you sometimes yell at me to make sure I know you are still there. You are repeating words that we say and sometimes saying things, I think. Daycare seems to think you are talking, but I still don’t think you are using any words consistently. However, you are understanding a lot. You are consistently waving goodbye. Shawna taught you to say Yay and raise your hands above your head. It is so cute!

Right now you love being chased! On Monday I chased you into the dining room and thought I had trapped you. I asked you where you were going to go, you looked at me and dropped to the ground and headed under the table, laughing of course! Such a problem solver! You still like climbing the stairs, but this month I have taught you how to crawl down the stairs. I am so happy that you have learned how to do this.

My first drum lesson
This month you got you eighth tooth. I think you are getting some more, because the drool has started again. Your hair is getting quite long. It curls up over the back of your t-shirts. I love it. You’ll probably have to get a haircut pretty soon, but I am going to put that off as long as I can.

Thursday was your birthday, but we didn’t really do anything special, well besides a mega trip to Costco in preparation of your party. We had a wonderful party on Saturday. So many friends and family came to celebrate you! Your grandpa and I made a piƱata for you. Abu made Grandma’s apple cake and she and Ryan decorated some very special cakes and cupcakes for you. We had a delicious lunch of enchiladas, rice, beans and salad. After many of our friends left, the family stayed around relaxing and playing games. It was a great party and a fabulous weekend! You are a special boy and our friends and family definitely showed you lots of love this weekend. We are very lucky!
Makin' Music

Likes: being chased, grabbing Frida’s legs, climbing on everything, getting my credit card out of my wallet(which I can’t find at this moment), and dance parties          

Dislikes: Getting your diaper changed, waking up, getting your nails cut


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