Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Little More about Month 9

Four teeth and covered in drool!
I forgot to mention a couple of important details of your ninth month. You finally have four teeth! The top two came in and the drool dried up for a few days. It is back, so some more teeth are probably on the way. You often stick your thumb in your mouth and feel your teeth. It is very cute.

Peeking at me from behind the couch.
Our new favorite game is when I peek out from behind the couch. I’ll say your name looking over the top, then duck down and then peer around the side. You laugh and laugh. Sometimes you fall down you are laughing so hard!  You are so sweet and make me so happy.
Getting ready to walk.

Last weekend we got you a little car that you can walk behind and push. We can’t believe that you are about to walk! My amazing boy, you are growing so fast.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 Months

Today my baby boy you are nine months old. You have grown a lot this month! You were sitting playing in the living room the other day and when I looked at you and I couldn’t believe it has only been nine months since you were born, you looked like a toddler not my baby. You are getting so tall that you can reach up and grab toys, books, and papers, all of which you promptly put in your mouth.

This month you have really started eating solid food. Beans continue to be your favorite food, of course! But so far you haven’t turned away any food that we've offered you. This week you actually used a spoon by yourself.

The last weekend in September you and I went to Eugene for your cousin’s birthday. You loved getting to play with James and well as hang out with your grandpa and abu. We stopped in Portland to eat lunch with Jill, Eddie, and sweet little Max. I thought that a two hour break would help you make it home happy. I was wrong. You fell asleep just outside Portland and made it until Olympia. That seems to be your limit. When we got home your daddy came out to get you, I grabbed my bags and then came in. Inside you were laughing and swinging your shirt around, happy to be out of the car and playing with Dad.

For some reason this month you have decided that you don’t really like taking naps. What this means is you are frequently tired when I pick you up in the afternoon. You frequently fall asleep in the car, so I will drive home slowly weaving through the neighborhood letting you sleep. On Friday I stayed home with you. We slept in until 7:30, which was very nice, but you only slept 45 minutes that whole day. Luckily it didn’t seem to bother you until 8 at night. This is just another example of how you are such a good happy baby.

When you get excited you grab one of your left fingers with your right hand and shake your arms up and down. It is so adorable!
Likes: eating everything, peeking in and around chairs, dancing, being tickled, splashing in Frida’s water dish

Dislikes: Having your nose wiped, being woken up (same as last month), long car rides
Waking up the last week of September ~ Happy

Waking up mid October ~ Still happy!