Saturday, November 12, 2011

Welcome to La Familia Jordan.

Welcome to La Familia Jordan.  I figure a few people out there would like to hear about what is going on in our family, and I would like to have a place where I can look back and read about how I was feeling about my adventures. So here is the blog.
Last month Chris and I celebrated our 8th anniversary! The time has gone by fast, but when I stop and think about it, we have done A LOT! Travel: 9 months in Nicaragua, visited Honduras, Peru, China, and two trips to Mexico City and Chihuahua. We both earned our Masters degrees (That was a challenging year).  We have bought two houses, had a few different jobs, Chris has been in a few different bands, and have been enjoying the past five years in Tacoma with friends, family, and of course our puppy Frida.
Soon after my 32nd birthday Chris and I discovered that we would be embarking on a new adventure.  We will soon be parents! To be honest the news came as a surprise. We really wanted to be pregnant, and I had taken several pregnancy tests that had all been negative.   I’m not sure why I decided to take another test before 6 o’clock on a Wednesday morning. When I saw the two lines I went in to shock! I handed Chris the test and said “I have to go to work.”  Of course after the initial shock was pure joy. We are so excited to be having a baby.
We are currently trying to sell our house, and have been since the spring. We need a house that is a little more kid friendly. This has been a slightly stressful situation that I hope resolves itself soon.  We’re still hoping that we will be in a new house when the baby arrives in late January.  If not, we have a backup plan…just not ideal.
There have been several changes at both of our schools this year, and we have both been working a lot. I’m trying to adjust to the fact that I do not have as much energy and do not need to be involved in everything.  This week I resigned from International Academy. This was a difficult decision.  I love working with the kids but it was necessary. I am too pregnant to be working 12 hour days! I’m also hoping that Chris will be able to cut back on his work hours when the baby comes.
Throughout my pregnancy I have been feeling great, but over the past week I have noticed I am beginning to slow down. Only 10 more weeks and we’ll have a baby. I am feeling like I can’t wait, but at the same time this pregnancy has gone by so fast.  I can’t believe that in less than three months I’ll be holding my baby!

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