Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Weeks Left!

I am 34 weeks pregnant. The baby is moving like crazy, and has decided that I should wake up at 4:30 in the morning with a kick to the rib!  Not the best way to wake up, but I do love the quiet time the baby and I spend with each other in the morning.  People say that they miss being pregnant. I think I might too.    It is amazing sitting here talking to my belly and watching it distort.  
The last few weeks have been difficult. I pulled a muscle in my back trying to get off the couch, and it made everything more of a challenge!  Several times I whimpered in bed and I tried to roll over in the middle of the night.  But I am finally feeling better, and hopefully will continue to feel good the rest of my pregnancy.  I am also officially on Winter Break. I have over two weeks off to relax, and stock pile some energy before returning to work for the rest of the pregnancy.
Everyone at work has been so supportive, especially the kids. I finally got a cart on Thursday, so I don’t have to carry my books from my office to the classroom. But before that students would come up to me and offer to carry my stuff.  The other day I went to the bathroom, and then stopped to talk to another teacher in the hallway, one of my students came out of my room. I told him I would be right there. He said that the other kids sent him out to check on me to make sure I was okay and had not fallen or gotten hurt. So sweet!
Last week we had two baby showers, one at each of our schools.  Our coworkers are so generous.  We went from having practically nothing to having a living room full of adorable baby stuff.  Yesterday we set up the Pack N Play and decided what needs to be washed before the baby gets here. Now I just have to figure out how to put on the Moby Wrap. Chris suggested we try it out with Frida.  We’ll see, if she is in a good mood today I might. (I tried it out.  My belly is too big to tie it up correctly. Looks like Frida is safe, for now!)
I had to go to a specialist last week.  My baby has some fluid on its kidney. They have assured me many many times that I do not need to get worried. After several ultrasounds they cannot find a cause of this fluid, and we are hoping it will resolve itself before birth. They tell me that is what usually happens.  I have another ultra sound the 1st week of January to check.  The doctor did get this amazing picture of my baby.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Welcome to La Familia Jordan.

Welcome to La Familia Jordan.  I figure a few people out there would like to hear about what is going on in our family, and I would like to have a place where I can look back and read about how I was feeling about my adventures. So here is the blog.
Last month Chris and I celebrated our 8th anniversary! The time has gone by fast, but when I stop and think about it, we have done A LOT! Travel: 9 months in Nicaragua, visited Honduras, Peru, China, and two trips to Mexico City and Chihuahua. We both earned our Masters degrees (That was a challenging year).  We have bought two houses, had a few different jobs, Chris has been in a few different bands, and have been enjoying the past five years in Tacoma with friends, family, and of course our puppy Frida.
Soon after my 32nd birthday Chris and I discovered that we would be embarking on a new adventure.  We will soon be parents! To be honest the news came as a surprise. We really wanted to be pregnant, and I had taken several pregnancy tests that had all been negative.   I’m not sure why I decided to take another test before 6 o’clock on a Wednesday morning. When I saw the two lines I went in to shock! I handed Chris the test and said “I have to go to work.”  Of course after the initial shock was pure joy. We are so excited to be having a baby.
We are currently trying to sell our house, and have been since the spring. We need a house that is a little more kid friendly. This has been a slightly stressful situation that I hope resolves itself soon.  We’re still hoping that we will be in a new house when the baby arrives in late January.  If not, we have a backup plan…just not ideal.
There have been several changes at both of our schools this year, and we have both been working a lot. I’m trying to adjust to the fact that I do not have as much energy and do not need to be involved in everything.  This week I resigned from International Academy. This was a difficult decision.  I love working with the kids but it was necessary. I am too pregnant to be working 12 hour days! I’m also hoping that Chris will be able to cut back on his work hours when the baby comes.
Throughout my pregnancy I have been feeling great, but over the past week I have noticed I am beginning to slow down. Only 10 more weeks and we’ll have a baby. I am feeling like I can’t wait, but at the same time this pregnancy has gone by so fast.  I can’t believe that in less than three months I’ll be holding my baby!