Monday, March 10, 2014

22 Months

I honestly did write this several months ago!

We are getting closer and closer to your second birthday! I can’t believe how big you are getting. This month was full of laughter, tears, and tons of talking! I thought that once you started talking more there would be less frustration between us. Well, I was wrong! You seem to be more frustrated.  Now that you can tell us what you want, you think we should give it to you now! Yesterday you laid down in the middle of Nordstrom’s because I wouldn’t let you go up and down the escalator. You are able to turn the tears on and off! I’m not worried because people still say your are the happiest boy that they know.
This month we celebrated Halloween. You were a pizza at day care and a dragon in the evening. You refused to put on the hood, but you were still sooooo cute! Your grandma, grandpa and Mimi came over to go trick-or-treating with us. You were most excited when the houses had dogs. After four houses you wanted me to pick you up, so we headed home.
Making Pizza with Abu
Two weeks before Halloween Abu and Grandpa came up and we went to the pumpkin patch. You had fun running around the pumpkins and trying to push the wheelbarrow. You also liked playing in the pumpkin slime as your dad carved a pumpkin.
Again this month you were saying something new almost every day. Yesterday I picked you up and you started pointing at my face saying “eyes,” “nose,” and then you said “ear.” It is the cutest thing ever! Well I thought that until today when you said “besos.”
The big news of the month is that you have started sleeping though the night! Well you have a few nights anyway. I am so excited that you are growing up and can sleep all night in your own room, but I can’t help being a little sad. You must have sensed it, because twice you have climbed on my chest and laid on me like you did when you were a baby. But now your legs are past my knees!
I’ve still been trying to spend some time outside with you. On the weekend we have been walking to the park. You love looking at all of the animals. Last weekend the ducks were walking around in the grass and not in the pond, you were amazed by that.
I forgot to say that you got some teeth last month. I think that you are done for a while.
Likes: all animal, being outside
Dislikes: Not getting what you want!