Thursday, June 20, 2013

17 Months

Finally decided to take a nap.

We are ready for summer! You want to be outside all of the time and I am ready for vacation. Only one more day of work and then a couple of training days and then we get to spend all summer together!
Your molars have been torturing the whole family this month! At times you have been quite grouchy. The right top one has come in and the left top broke skin this week, but the others are refusing to break through. One day it looked like you had huge blisters in your mouth. Several times this month you just looked at us crying, it is very sad.
About two weeks ago you started having tantrums. If things aren’t going your way you will sit down and start crying. Then you will either fall forward and cry in to your hands, or you will fall back hitting you head not too hard on the floor. It is very dramatic and kind of funny but not when we are in the waiting room.
Meeting baby Jacob
We visited the ENT again last week. About a month and a half ago he said that you looked fine, but just wanted to double check in June. Well this time you had a little fluid, he said you had a pre-ear infection and we should get tubes. I disagree. You have only had 2 or 3 infections in 17 months. We are going to wait and see, and if you get sick again we will go visit a different doctor. This guy was pretty good with you, but not with me. I need someone that will answer all of my questions in a nonjudgmental way.
We went to Eugene for Memorial Day. You got to meet you new cousin Jacob, and play with your cousins. You loved it! But I think you were a little jealous when I was holding the baby.
Likes: “jumping” off furniture, sleeping in, picking up rocks, running, playing chase, unsnapping his diaper
Dislikes: waking up, being told no

Time for a trim.

I can see!

Hangin' with Daddy in the garden