Wednesday, February 27, 2013

13 Months

This month you again got to travel internationally! For President’s weekend we went to Victoria. We got up very early Saturday morning, drove to Port Angles and hopped on the ferry. We had fun weekend exploring the city in the cold! We walked around ate some good and not so good food, and chased duck in the park. Unfortunately we all ended up feeling a little sick and the last night Chris went out and got pizza for us and after you and I took a nap we had dinner in our room.
After the trip home you and I relaxed for about an hour then we jumped back in the car and headed to Portland. We had a wonderful dinner with Jill, Eddie and Max. We slept wonderfully in the Muhm-Glover house, and then spent a fun morning hanging out with Jill and Max. We later met Grandpa and Abu for an afternoon of walking around Mississippi Street and sushi. You loved miso soup!
In both Portland and Victoria you enjoyed walking. You wanted to go in all of the shops and for some reason wanted to walk in the opposite direction we wanted to go in. When you got excited you waved your arms up and down as you ran. It is so adorable!  Everyone thought you were so cute. You smiled at everybody and pretended to be shy. Such a flirt!
So proud of yourself for getting on that chair
Little boy, this month you continued to climb. You can now get up and down off of all our furniture. You think you can get down from all furniture. Our bed in Victoria was pretty high. You tried to slide down, but you couldn’t reach the floor. You ended up falling and hitting the wall. We can’t take our eyes off of you for one second! You can also move up and down the stairs with no problem. I am amazed at how fast you are.
This month you got pink eye. I took you to the doctor on Saturday morning. But Wednesday your right eye was still red, and you left I was starting to look bad. We had to go back to the doctor for different eye drops. It was a struggle getting the drops in your eyes, especially after work when I had to do it all by myself. One time I had you pinned with my legs trying to keep you hands down as I was prying your eyelids open. Not fun. This week you have developed croup again. As I mentioned the whole family hasn’t been feeling great this week. You have had a couple of rough nights. On Friday you got to stay home with Daddy. A day at home seemed to help, but I think you need a little more rest before you are back to your normal happy self.
Walking to the park
You continue to develop you language. You are saying Mom and Dad frequently. You are signing more when you want more food. When we make the sign for changing your diaper you lay down by the diapers. It is exciting being able to communicate with you and it makes me excited for you to talk. You often babble and we know you have a lot to say. I just can’t wait to hear it!
Two weeks ago we walked down the block to the playground at Lowell.  You didn’t like the swings, and were mildly interested in the other structures. What you loved best was the freedom to walk around. You were so happy running around the playground. I can’t wait for the warm weather so we can spend more time outside.
Rowan you are getting so big! When I see you walking arcos the room or down the hall I can’t believe how old you look.
Likes: Playing chase, snuggling, climbing on everything
Dislikes: being alone, having nose wiped
Exploring the streets of Portland

Ready to slide!