Friday, October 25, 2013

21 Months

This month your language has really continued to develop. You say new words almost every day. You are starting to tell us what you need and can now say “up.” The only issue is that since you can tell us what you want you think you should get it. If you don’t you sometimes start to scream and roll on the floor! One of your new favorite activities is cooking. Anytime I am in the kitchen you say up and want stir.
Looking at ducks
Walking to E9 to watch the Seahawks!

After a big storm it hasn’t been too rainy, so we have been trying to spend some time outside. You still love having me clean up the back yard. At the park you have been getting out of the stroller and exploring. You love any animals that we see, and say bye to almost all of the people that we pass. When we are walking and you see a pumpkin on someone’s porch you yell “Mom, Mooom, Mooom!” I yell back “what, whaaat, whaaaaat!” Then we laugh.

Making Pizza!
Last weekend your Grandpa and Abú came to visit and we went to the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun! Rowan, you got to yell at rows and rows of pumpkins and ride in a wheelbarrow. We saw some pigs and chickens. You also got very excited over the bins of squash. I love that you are so excited about everything. I want to be more like you and find more joy and excitement in the world.

You can put on your hat by yourself! This may not seem like a big thing, but it seems like a big deal to me! You are growing up so fast and are learning to do so many things on your own. The other day I said let’s go and put on your jacket. I put on my jacket and when I turned around you had your hat on!

Likes: saying Seahawks! Pointing out every pumpkin you see

Dislikes: being told no, having to wait
Appple pancakes!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

20 Months

Looking at chickens

My dear sweet baby, you don’t seem like much of a baby lately. You are starting to talk more and more. It seems like every few days you say a new word. Today you kept saying “Here you go” as you handed me towels to fold. You can also finally jump. Not too high, but you are getting air now.

At Wright Park
This month has been busy, as it is the beginning of the school year. We have gone to a couple of back to school events, you have been had a lot of fun. You have transitioned nicely back to daycare. You enjoy playing with your friends. There have been a few biting incidents, but you have been bitten too, so I guess it’s ok. You have mostly stopped biting at home, except for today when you were mad at me. Both you and I have started going to a chiropractor. You love it. Besides the fact that they have lots of puzzles and toys you laugh when he is adjusting you. You also love to flirt with all of the office ladies. You do this thing where you look up with an amazing smile on your face. You did it the other day and once they laughed at you the show was on! You would have flirted with them all afternoon if hadn’t have dragged you out of there!

The big news is that you have started going to sleep in your own room! Your dad bought you a nice vintage bed frame at an estate sale. He loves you and the bed so much that when he puts you to bed he usually falls asleep with you. You haven’t made it through a whole night yet, but I think you will soon. Almost every day around 7:30 you start getting cranky. When we ask you if you are ready for bed you start heading for the stairs. This month you are not crying as much when you wake up from naps. I hope your sleeping routines continue to improve. You are so much happier when you are well rested.

When we go for walks you often want to start off walking Frida. I start our walks pushing an empty stroller. I have been impressed with how far you have been walking.  Last weekend we went to the fair. You were so excited about the animals, especially the cows. You say “boooooo” when we ask you what a cow says.

I turned my back for 3 seconds!
You are so amazing my little boy and I love you so much!

Likes: directing me to pick up Frida’s “poopie,” taking Frida for walks, flirting with everyone, helping with the laundry

Dislikes: having to wait, eating alone

Sunday, September 22, 2013

19 Month ~ A Little Late

I wrote most of this a month ago, but then I started getting ready for school to start and forgot that I had not posted. Your nineteenth month was a fun one little boy! This should have been posted August 20th.

Swimming with your Abu
We have had a great summer! We started of this month with a trip to Portland and Eugene. You and I had an amazing time exploring Portland while your dad was in his conference. We ate at the farmers market, played in the park, watched a concert, and did a little shopping. After Portland we stayed a few days with my parents, and then we got to stay in a Hotel in Eugene for a few more days. In Eugene we got to spend a lot of time with your cousins. James taught you how to “jump” and to say “Mine!” There was a festival in the park where you got to pet a tortoise, make art, and play with rice! You did not want to leave the rice table. We also saw Los Lobos in the park. Unfortunately you were kind of in a bad mood, so we left early. Your favorite part of the trip was probably swimming.

The next week we spent relaxing at home. Grandma Lynne bought you a bubble machine that you LOVE. We have been going for long walks and playing in the back yard. You are mostly happy, except when you are tired.  This has been happing a lot because you don’t want to miss out on anything so you aren’t sleeping as much as you should. When upset you scream, hit and try and bite! The biting has subsided a little. I am a little nervous about you going back to daycare. PLEASE do not bite another kid!

You are still waking up from your naps hysterical. This happens almost every day. I have talked to three doctors and googled quite a bit. The good news is the doctors don’t seem too concerned. The bad news is they didn’t really have any solutions. They say that you just have a hard time waking up and hopefully you will grow out of it soon.

Last week you and I took the train to Eugene to spend a few days with Grandpa and Abu. We then headed to the coast to the Mejía Family Reunion. It was fun seeing everyone. Friday night you didn’t sleep at all, so we took you to the doctor on Saturday. You had an ear infection.  I’m a little sad that everyone did not get to know the wonderfully happy kid that you are, but for being sick you did manage to have a little fun.

Picking blueberries with the pigs
This week we went blueberry picking on a pig farm. You had an amazing time! There are pigs, turkeys and sheep running around. Every time an animal walked by you squealed and pointed. It is so fun seeing you so exited!

Likes: Picking blueberries, “jumping,” playing in dirt, diving through the doggie door, reading

Dislikes: waking up from naps

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Summer Fun

Looking out the  window of the train

Watching people in the park

Baby Crab at the beach


Picking Blueberries


Riding a bike for the 1st time!




Eating broccoli flowers

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Year and a Half

Eating Dinner
Such a fun month!
Snacks at the park
It has been pretty hot this month. We have met friends at Seward Park twice. You had an amazing time! You had so much fun splashing and floating around in the water. If you ask me, you were a little too brave around the water. But it was wonderful seeing you so happy in the water. You love dogs, and wanted to go say hi to every dog that walked passed! I had to chase you a couple of times and bring you back!
Playing with Grandpa
You started off this month hanging out with your grandpa and abu. I had to go to AP training in Bellevue and didn’t want you at day care for 11 hours. You had so much fun showing off all of your new “tricks.” And I know they enjoyed every moment they got to spend with you!
Fun with Grandma
We celebrated your second 4th of July. The day was great. You had so much fun playing with all of the kids around. Every time you hear an airplane you stop and point to the sky, so you enjoyed the air show. After a day of playing you were pretty tired by the time the fireworks. You sat in my lap and watched a few, but you were more interested in what all of the people were doing sitting on our lawn.
You are still quite the eater, and are loving all of the fresh fruit right now. I have to cut you off almost daily, I do not want your tummy to get upset. I am so happy you are an adventurous eater. This month you had Ethiopian food for the 1st time. You were enjoying it until I accidently gave you some spicy chicken. You were pretty much done after that!
The past two weeks your dad has only had to go in to work a couple of days. We have had a fun time together. You love shouting out “Dad, Dad, DAD” from across the room. We are so lucky we get so spend so much time together. You babble quite a bit and repeat words and sounds we make.  We are getting excited for you to talk. I hope it is soon! Your last molar is finally on its way in. I am hoping that tomorrow you will wake up and the drool will be gone. You look so much cuter when there is not drool running down your belly!
You are still having tantrums when we tell you no. Today you got mad at yesterday because I wouldn’t let you run around with a fork. You also cry when someone leaves the room and you don’t want them to. You look so sad, but then you turn it off and start laughing!
Today you played outside with Frida while I did the dishes. You are quite content to dig in the dirt and chase Frida around the yard. You kept putting rocks in your Tonka and bringing them to me. I kept telling you to put them back, and you would smile and then run back outside. You have the BEST smile!
Likes: reading to yourself, eating fruit, swimming, dancing, crawling out the dog door after Frida
Dislikes: waking up, being told no, taking naps

Happy family on the 4th!

Going to dinner with Grandpa and Abu

Thursday, June 20, 2013

17 Months

Finally decided to take a nap.

We are ready for summer! You want to be outside all of the time and I am ready for vacation. Only one more day of work and then a couple of training days and then we get to spend all summer together!
Your molars have been torturing the whole family this month! At times you have been quite grouchy. The right top one has come in and the left top broke skin this week, but the others are refusing to break through. One day it looked like you had huge blisters in your mouth. Several times this month you just looked at us crying, it is very sad.
About two weeks ago you started having tantrums. If things aren’t going your way you will sit down and start crying. Then you will either fall forward and cry in to your hands, or you will fall back hitting you head not too hard on the floor. It is very dramatic and kind of funny but not when we are in the waiting room.
Meeting baby Jacob
We visited the ENT again last week. About a month and a half ago he said that you looked fine, but just wanted to double check in June. Well this time you had a little fluid, he said you had a pre-ear infection and we should get tubes. I disagree. You have only had 2 or 3 infections in 17 months. We are going to wait and see, and if you get sick again we will go visit a different doctor. This guy was pretty good with you, but not with me. I need someone that will answer all of my questions in a nonjudgmental way.
We went to Eugene for Memorial Day. You got to meet you new cousin Jacob, and play with your cousins. You loved it! But I think you were a little jealous when I was holding the baby.
Likes: “jumping” off furniture, sleeping in, picking up rocks, running, playing chase, unsnapping his diaper
Dislikes: waking up, being told no

Time for a trim.

I can see!

Hangin' with Daddy in the garden

Thursday, May 23, 2013

16 Months

Running at the park

Happy Mother's Day!
We have had another wonderful month my sweet baby boy. As the sun continues to shine we are playing more outside. Last weekend we went to Wright Park for a picnic. You had an amazing time! You were tentative about the spray ground, but you loved the playground. I spend an hour chasing you around. You think that as long as you go down backward it doesn’t matter how big the step or drop off is! You tried to slide right off the top of the play structure. It was a little stressful for me and Dad, but you were having a wonderful time.
Our second Mother’s Day passed this month. Grandma came over and Dad made us brunch. It was a delicious relaxing day.  I also had a birthday this month. Dad made us dinner, and then I went out with my friends. As I was driving home I got 10 texts from your dad saying that you were screaming! I told him I would be home in 5 minutes, and by the time I got home you were both sleeping in each other’s arms. Very cute!

The snack of choice this month has been goldfish crackers, which might have been mine and Daddy’s choice, not yours. We are still waiting for your molars to come in. Finally one has broke skin. You are feeling much better.

Helpping Daddy rake.
You are still the happiest boy I know. You still think almost everything I do is hilarious, which I absolutely love. Most days after school we come home and chase Frida around the living room laughing. We are all very excited for summer so we can spend all day chasing you outside! Rowan you desperately need a haircut, but you already look like a real boy (not my baby) and we have not done it yet. You think that you are a big boy. At day care you started taking naps on a cot, not in the crib. I am so proud of you, but a little sad that my baby is growing up so fast.


Likes: Climbing, “stinging” people, pineapple, running outside, laughing, Tonka Trucks, dancing

Dislikes:  waking up, being told no
I don't want to get up!
Putting on your pants all by yourself!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

15 Months

Another amazing month with you has flown by. We are starting to spend more time outside and you are loving it! Well, except when I took you for a long run on a cold Sunday morning. You usually love looking around while in the stroller. I learned my lesson and won’t take you out in the cold again. Your dad built us a garden and we are so excited for next year. Right now you mostly just dig around eating dirt, but next year I think you will really be able to help grow and pick veggies.

Dying eggs with family
We got to go to Eugene for Easter. We surprised Grandpa.  We had so much fun spending time with family. You went on two Easter egg hunts! The first one was on Saturday at a church in a baseball field. You were quite happy with the two plastic eggs you found. You were not very happy that I wouldn’t let you eat the candy inside the eggs! That evening we went to the Thompsons and you got to dye eggs.  It was so much fun, until you started drinking the dye!  Sunday after church, where you bit my shoulder because I wouldn’t nurse you during the middle of mass, we again headed to the Thompson’s for another egg hunt and wonderful dinner with family. I really wish that we could see our family more often.
Right before you started drinking the dye!

James and you had a wonderful time the few days that we were there. You spend hours outside digging and eating dirt, chasing Rex, chasing the hula-hoop around the yard and running around the yard. Since then he keeps asking where is Baby Rowan, and even went to the bedroom to check to see if you were taking a nap!
Looking for eggs

Your health hasn’t been wonderful this month. You got your second ear infection and today you had another temperature of 100.5. I am hoping to fight off this infection before it gets too bad. I made garlic oil today for your ears. You were crying and refusing to eat, but as soon and I put the drops in you started asking for food and playing. So, I think it worked. We’ll see you feel in the morning.

Helping plant the garden.
We are so happy this month that you have started shoving books at us and then climbing on our laps. One night we read one book about 10 times in a row. You kept climbing down from one lap when the book was done and going over to the other. It was really funny. When I told you that that was enough and you needed to go get another book you when around the couch to the shelf and picked another. That was when I realized that you pretty much understand everything that we say to you. You want to talk, but the words are not quite there. Soon I hope.
Fun at the park with Grandpa

Two weeks ago you started drooling again. Your molars are starting to come in. I still can’t see them, but your gums are swollen.  I hope they come in soon. It would be nice if your shirt wasn’t covered in drool two minutes after I put it on you.


Likes: playing Peek-a-boo, drinking shower and bath water, reading, playing outside

Dislikes:  waking up, having to come inside, changing your diaper

Sunday, March 24, 2013

14 Months

Last Sunday we were at a St. Patrick’s Day party and people keep asking how old you were. I couldn’t believe I was saying fourteen months! This month has been a bit of a struggle health wise. We have all three struggled to be healthy. You got croup and then a week later you got an antibiotic resistant ear infection. I think you then got thrush after being on strong antibiotics. I decided to try some home remedies instead of going to the doctor again. It worked and we are all on our way to a healthy spring.
You have decided you like to wrestle! Every time I am on the ground stretching you come over and start climbing all over me. I tried to stop you, but you just laugh and keep coming back. Yesterday we were changing the sheets on our bed and you started body slamming the pillow! Again you thought it was hilarious.
People are always commenting on how happy you are. That is still mostly true. This month you have gotten a little clingy. A few times you have gotten upset when your dad dropped you off at day care, and you frequently get upset if you see me leave a room. I hope you get over this soon. We don’t like seeing you so unhappy for no reason.
As the weather is getting better, we are starting to spend more time outside. You love it! I am starting to let you walk in from the car, but a few times you have turned around and started to make a run for it. I think you just want to play outside. You usually enjoy riding in the stroller. Today was actually the first day you cried. It was very sad. We are pretty far away from home and the only think I could do was keep going. I tried to run faster, but you just cried harder. After about twenty minutes you calmed down and relaxed for the rest of the ride.
You continue to climb and test the rules. You start to slowly climb on the table looking at me to see what I will do. I can frequently get you to stop just by looking at you, but not all of the time. Unfortunately when I tell you no you often start to laugh. Not the response I am going for! But you are so cute I have to force myself not to laugh too.
This month we went to a few events where you were the baby. You do not know that you are still a baby and desperately want to play with the 3 year olds. You went up to some kids playing bean bag toss and just stood a few feet away watching. They ignored you! When they ran off you picked up the bag and tried to throw it. So adorable!!!!
You have recently started to feed yourself with a spoon. You can eat yogurt and apple sauce all by yourself. Sometimes when you are eating other things I put it on you spoon and you try getting it to your mouth. After a meal you usually need a new shirt, if not a bath! But you continue to be able to do more and more on your own.
Likes: Wrestling, tossing food to Frida, playing outside, climbing
Dislikes:  momma leaving, waking up