Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Seven Months

1st time riding in a cart.
Rowan, every month you become more and more amazing. There were a lot of developments this month! The last week of June you were in the living room talking to Grandma Lynne and I came in to see you just sitting there. I was so surprised! There was no stopping you after that. You stared crawling across the room stopping to sit up and make sure we were watching. If you see something across the room that you want, either me or a dirty shoe, you squeal and then crawl as fast as you can until you get there. The next week I was watching you crawl and you went right up to the couch and pulled yourself up! I couldn’t believe it. The problem then became getting down. For two weeks you would pull yourself up on something and then wine until someone helped you down. Well this week you learned how to sit back down after standing up. For a day you would stand up then sit down over and over.

1st time brushing your teeth!

The other big development is you now have two teeth! As they were coming in we had a couple of cranky evening. You also started waking up during the night again. Hopefully we can get back in to a sleeping routine before the next tooth decides to come in. You seemed interested in my brushing my teeth so we started brushing yours. Of course you think it is funny!

Last week we took the train to Eugene. I’ll admit that I was nervous traveling alone with you, but I shouldn’t have been. You did great. The train wasn’t too full so you got your own seat. You woke up around Albany and weren’t too happy. Luckily the guy sitting in front of us was happy to talk to you smiled all the way to Eugene. We got to spend the week with Grandpa and Abu.  You also got to spend quite a bit of time with James. You could play soo much more with him this time than you could just three weeks earlier. He was happy about that!

Last weekend we headed to the coast for the Mejía family reunion.  You enjoyed meeting so many family members and playing with your cousins. It was so nice getting to relax, play games, laugh, and enjoy family time. Everyone thought you were adorable!

You are still not too interested in eating solid food. You still think everything is funny, and have the best laugh! Your daddy and I love to make up silly songs to entertain you.

Likes: Chasing Frida around the living room, being tickled, besitos, standing up, brushing your teeth, eating books

Dislikes: Being alone, long car rides, me not letting you stand in the bathtub