Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Months Old

The past two months have been amazing! My little boy is growing and changing so much. Rowan is getting little chubby cheeks and I can’t wait to see how much he weighs next week at his doctor’s appointment. He can hold his head up for quite awhile and loves to kick and wave his arms around, especially in the morning. One of the most exciting changes is that Rowan learned how to smile. He is so sweet and my heart feels like it is going to explode when he smiles at me.

Two months old and in his first pair of jeans.

 Rowan and I have been busy the past month. Although we are not on a schedule we have established a routine that we both seem happy with. We have been lucky to have spent quite a bit of time Katie and baby Asa. I enjoy and appreciate support from Katie as I figure out how to be a mother.  Asa is exactly one month older than Rowan. They don’t know it yet, but they will be the best of friends. It has been fun sharing this special time together.  Grandma Lynne comes to visit almost every week. Rowan enjoys being held while Mom and Dad get a chance to do chores, go out to dinner or just relax a little.
Two weeks ago Chris had to go to Tampa for work. Rowan and I took this opportunity to go to Oregon and visit family. It was wonderful getting to spend so much time with my parents and watch them snuggle Rowan. One night Grandpa took Rowan and let me go to bed. This was a gift. I was able to sleep soundly knowing that I Rowan was being cared for. Meeting many of his cousins was one of Rowan’s favorite parts of the trips. They were all so interested in him and James was only a little jealous. While in Eugene Shawna, Aunt Alicia and my parents gave Rowan and me a wonderful luau themed party.  We were surprised and happy to see so many family members gathered to celebrate my growing family. Chris was greatly missed, but we still had a fantastic time.  My family if wonderful! Rowan and I are lucky to be loved so much.

One of my favorite parts of the day is when Rowan wakes up.  In the morning we lay in bed laughing, stretching and talking for 20 minutes before we get up. I feel so lucky to have such a happy baby.  Another wonderful part of the day is when Chris gets home from work. I love watching Rowan snuggle with his daddy, they are both so happy.