On Monday January 16 I had an appointment with my midwife. She said that I was three centimeters dilated and was sure I would have a baby before my due date January 25. I was certain that I had about a week left of being pregnant. I went to bed prepared to go to work the next day, but hoping for a snow day!
At 1:30 in the morning I was startled awake. I laid there not moving for a moment and I came to the realization that my water had just broke. I called my midwife. At the time I was not feeling any contractions. She told me that I had plenty of time, and I should try and go back to sleep. I went back to bed but knew I would not be able to get back to sleep. As soon as I got back in bed I started having contractions. From the beginning they were one to three minutes apart. When they started my contractions were not hurting. So I stayed in bed and Chris kept track of the contractions. After about an hour they were beginning to hurt and we decided to go to the hospital.
At the hospital I had a contractions right as I walked in the door. I couldn’t walk and they brought me a wheelchair. We checked in and had to wait in the lobby of the emergency room for a nurse to come get us. By then I was in pain, and I woke the two guys sleeping in the waiting room. After a very long ten minutes we went up stairs. When they did my initial examination I was 4+ centimeters dilated.
I have no concept of time of that morning, but Chris says that I was in bed having contractions for about 45 minutes, maybe a little longer. I was in quite a bit of pain. When I had a contraction I would curl and grab the hand rail on the side of the bed. There were several times that Chris was worried I would roll off the bed. The nurse said she wanted to examine me again. She told me I was 8 centimeters!
We moved to a delivery room and they tried again to get a hold of my midwife. By this time the snow had started and she was having trouble getting to the hospital. The on call doctor came in and told me it was time to push. This was the only time where I felt emotionally uncomfortable. I did not know her and things were not going according to my plan. She looked at the nurse and said “she’ll be pushing for awhile,” and took off her gloves. As she did my midwife walked in!
I then got in the birthing tub and was able to relax for a bit. It was then time to push. I think that I pushed for about 30 minutes, but I’m not really sure. I remember right before Rowan was born, but his actual moment of birth is kid of a blur. I was pushing and then he was on my chest! I looked down and saw the most beautiful baby. It was love at first sight. Chris got to lift up the warm blanket that they had placed on us and announced that we had a little boy. The joy I felt in my heart and the closeness to Chris is indescribable.
Rowan James born at 6:43 am on Tuesday January 17, weighting 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. He is perfect!